Architecture of Energy

Shiloh Wind Generation Plant, Rio Vista, California
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The Architecture of Energy
Energy production is foundational to the industrial economy, and the structures that enable the production of energy modify the landscape and human space in profound ways. This gallery contains a selection of photographs that I have captured in the course of working on projects about water in the west and the Trans Bay Cable commission.
Architecture of Industrial War
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Fortifications of Industrial Warfare
The fortification at Fort Point was constructed at the entrance to the Golden Gate just before and during the US Civil War and during the first era of industrial warfare. The fort was multi-story brick-arched artillery casements with seven foot thick masonry walls; housing 55 artillery pieces.
The Vienna Flakturm (Flack Towers) were defense fortifications built by occupying German forces to protect central Vienna from Allied air raids. They were designed to deliver a fusillade of anti-aircraft artillery. These two flakturm, of six in Vienna, are located in the Augarten park and have been left as ruins; a social reminder of the horrors of fascism and war.